
SAID Programmes, Partners and Donors connect around a shared passion for animals, people, and our environment. The urgent challenges facing animal welfare today are too big and too interconnected to solve alone.


Our long-term goal is simple: to create a country where people and animals thrive.

Collaboration & Partnership

SAID Programmes, Partners and Donors connect around a shared passion for animals, people, and our environment. The urgent challenges facing animal welfare today are too big and too interconnected to solve alone.


Our long-term goal is simple: to create a country where people and animals thrive.


Over half a million of the 5.8 million people and their pets live in 181 informal settlements and 57 townships suffer from lack of animal healthcare. Just in Johannesburg.


A 2020 veterinary evaluation revealed that 82% of households in Diepsloot Ext. 1 own an average 3.5 pets per family. Only 38 vets per million of South Africa’s population typically serve animals from families in specific urban areas. Exacerbating a nationwide prolonged state of deplorable animal health, human veterinary health risk, and biosecurity liability.


SAID seeks to advance business partnerships for funding from donors such as corporates and others to enable and expand the network.


Potential independent AHT Practitioners offer partners the opportunity to reconceive products and undeveloped markets, redefining productivity in the value chain, and strengthening local healthcare clusters.

Helping people to help animals.
According to Statistics South Africa, in Q1 of 2020, graduates in the age group of 15-24, the unemployment rate was 33,1% during this period compared to 24,6% in the Q4 of 2019.
Education, accelerating mentorship and advocating nationwide graduate youth employment for AHT’s empowers post graduate para-veterinary youth transition to employment.
Strengthening competencies for veterinary Public Health.
Deliver excellence in companion animal and equine veterinary technician specialty.
AHT’s are skilled, in the study, of diverse areas such as anatomy, physiology, nutrition, animal diseases, management of production and wild animals, maintenance of primary animal health care and auditing of abattoirs.
Increase the numbers of rural Animal health practitioners to set the demographic representation of the veterinary workforce on a new course.
Provides financial literacy coaching for sustainable AHT practitioners
Development of active economic participation for professional para-veterinary youth that are aspiring to solve peri-urban human-animal challenges.

Preventing suffering Redefining productivity, AHT’s recognise culture, know the dialect, understand needs to build trust and to ensure relevance for the sustainability of animal ownership inside the community.


Demonstrate a force-free community engagement model to show a more humane way to accomplish progress.


Intentional cruelty to animals is not the norm, often people do not have what is needed to correctly care for their animals.


AHT’s offer culturally relevant education – guidance about food, shelter, and best practice for improving the lives of animals.


Engage children that are often caretakers of animals and will become agents of change and role models of responsible, caring dog or cat owners in their communities.


Real-life solutions for communities that would otherwise not have them.

Corporate Partners & Foundations

Help Create A Better World For Animals, People & The Planet.

Whether through grants, financial donations, in-kind products, services donations, CSI projects and employee volunteering programmes or spreading our message.


We seek to develop shared value partnerships to create and capture private and social value by reconceiving veterinary products and markets, redefining productivity in the value chain, and strengthening local animal and public health clusters.


The efficacy and impact of the AHT Mentorship Programme are greatly increased by a multisectoral approach to assist the most vulnerable in our society.

Corporate Governance

The Society for Animals in Distress is a non-profit organisation, registration NPO 001-249, governed by the Non-Profit Organisations Act, No 71 of 1997 (the Act). 


Public benefit organisation (PBO), number PBO 93 001 2662. Registered with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) in terms of  Section 30(1) of the Income Tax Act, No 58 of 1962.


B-BBEE Status: Level 4
B-BBEE Recognition: 100%

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Our Partners

Purrrrfect Pawtners